Managed Teams for Seamless Project Development

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Publish date:

June 14, 2023

Updated on:

March 8, 2024

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Managed Teams for Seamless Project Development


In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, agility and expertise are key. For businesses looking to streamline project development, managed teams present an alluring solution. A survey by GoRemotely confirms that roughly 75% of employees regard collaboration and teamwork as important. With their blend of efficiency and expertise, managed teams are becoming the secret weapons of successful tech companies. Let’s dive into the multifaceted benefits of employing managed teams, and unravel the strategies and best practices that maximize their potential.

Managed Teams - An Overview

What are Managed Teams?

Managed teams are groups of skilled professionals who are outsourced to work on specific projects or tasks. These teams operate under a managing entity that ensures project goals are met efficiently. In the tech sphere, managed teams often comprise developers, designers, analysts, and other experts who are well-versed in project-specific technologies.

Why Opt for Managed Teams?

Choosing managed teams over traditional hiring or freelancing is a strategic decision. Managed teams bring in expertise without the overhead costs of hiring full-time employees. The managing entity handles the administrative aspects, allowing businesses to focus on core competencies. Additionally, the flexible nature of managed teams ensures scaling up or down is swift and hassle-free.

The Multitude of Benefits

Accelerated Development

Managed teams are often characterized by a high level of expertise and efficiency. Their proficiency in specific domains ensures that they hit the ground running. This translates into accelerated development cycles, which is particularly beneficial for companies aiming to outpace competition and quickly adapt to market dynamics.


Managed teams absolve companies from the costs associated with hiring, training, and retaining in-house staff. Furthermore, since managed teams usually have a clear contractual relationship and project-based pricing, budgeting becomes more predictable and transparent.

Strategies for Success

Defining Clear Objectives

One of the critical elements in leveraging managed teams effectively is having clear and well-defined project objectives. Clearly communicating the goals, timelines, and expected deliverables is essential to keep the team focused and aligned with the business vision.

Regular Communication and Collaboration

Research has it that online collaboration tools and digital workplaces facilitate increased productivity by up to 30%. Regular communication is vital to the successful integration of managed teams. Utilize collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Asana to facilitate communication. Encourage the sharing of progress, feedback, and ideas. Foster a collaborative environment that transcends geographical barriers.

Best Practices

Vetting and Selection

Taking time to vet and select the right managed teams is crucial. Look for teams with a proven track record in your project’s domain. Assess their expertise through portfolios, case studies, and references. Additionally, ensure that their corporate culture and values align with your own.

Fostering a Partnership Mentality

Treating your managed team as partners, rather than just service providers, can lead to better outcomes. Engage them in brainstorming sessions, value their input, and create an environment where they feel invested in the project’s success.

Overcoming Challenges

Managing Time Zones

Working with managed distributed teams often means dealing with different time zones. Plan and schedule meetings well in advance, and adopt tools that facilitate asynchronous communication. Time zone differences can even be turned into an advantage by creating round-the-clock development cycles.

Ensuring Security and Compliance

Security and compliance are paramount, especially in tech projects. Implement non-disclosure agreements, data protection clauses, and regular audits to ensure that the managed team adheres to necessary security and compliance standards.

Conclusion: A Win-Win Proposition

In a world where expertise and agility determine success, managed teams are a powerhouse resource. Through strategic planning, regular communication, and best practices, businesses can harness the full potential of managed teams. This leads to seamless project development, cost-effectiveness, and the culmination of tech-savvy solutions that are competitive and innovative. The winning combination of in-house direction and outsourced expertise is, indeed, a recipe for success. If you have any enquiries, please feel free to submit a brief.


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Polina Tibets

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Forward-thinking and dynamic professional with 10+ years of experience driving growth throughout the SaaS, Startup, Artificial Intelligence and Consulting industries. Strong command of the strategic operations with exposure to organizational effectiveness, governance, administration, go-to-market strategy, PR and social media.

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